It’s amazing how voluminous a blog can become, and how correspondingly difficult to navigate if you do not visit every day. Knowing that my postings touch on a variety of subjects, and understanding that many of you are unable to check in daily, I have tweaked the categories a little to make it easier for you to stop by whenever, and narrow your focus if you so desire. Personally, when reading the blogs of others, I enjoy the serendipity of seeing things I would not have thought to look for, but I know that sometimes we just don’t have time to take in everything.
Every posting is assigned to a category (under the title and date you will see Filed under:…), and most postings will reflect more than one category. For example, my writing life often involves my reading life, and sometimes the books I mention may be about music. If you do not want to browse down the opening page (which is, of course, in reverse chronological sequence) you can limit the display by clicking on a category in the blue box on the left side of your screen.
So the categories are:
Announcements – general info, such as this very posting
Boos & Bravos – (used to be called Rants & Raves) While this might include reviews of products and performances, most often it is an expression of my displeasure or delight in a particular event or experience
Date Specific – subjects pegged to a particular date, be it a birthday, anniversary, ….
Hmmm – subjects on my mind, and food for thought
I’m All Ears – (used to be called Sensitive Ears) has something to do with music
Jazz Ears – relates specifically to jazz
Notables– about people
Reading Life – thoughts, quotes, lists, and occassional recomendations, as well as comments about the kind of writing that I like to read
This ‘n’ That – doings and other items that don’t seem to fit elsewhere
Word Play – anagrams, word derrivations, and such
Writing Life – my own thoughts, activities and experiences as a writer, plus thoughts (my own and others) about writers and writing
And don’t forget I’ve Got Mail, which will cease to exist if you don’t drop me a line. Send it to: devra AT