
Those who know me, and some of you just getting acquainted, have figured out that I wear many hats – some might suggest too many. Be that as it may, I had much to accomplish this weekend and I did what most writers do – procrastinate first, write second.

I should write a handbook for procrastinators – all the things you can do before you do what you have to do, eventually. You can pick up lots of such tips at any writers conference. One of my personal favorites used to be alphabetizing the spice rack (those of you who know that I’m not much of a cook are now clutching your splitting sides). These days I try to confine my procrastinations to activities that I can justify as somehow necessary to completing those other tasks – like cleaning my office so that I can find my notes, find my chair… hell, find my desk. Of course, for me, cleaning means completely re-arranging the furniture, and in my office rearranging furniture means disconnecting, moving and re-connecting lots of computer equipment and peripheral devices.

Soooo, “procrastinating” took up the whole day on Saturday. Today was devoted to my role as Minister of Education for the Jazz Journalists Association, preparing a plan of action for what I hope will evolve into tasks that will be accomplished by a real live committee. Now I think I’ll power-down the computer and spend some time with my husband. I’ll probably start drafting my IAJE/NEA report, longhand, before I drift off to sleep, so I should have something new to post by a reasonable hour tomorrow.