TK is a placeholder. It’s the abbreviation meaning “to come.” I (and many) use this when writing a book or article and don’t yet have the exact information but know that’s where it will go in the manuscript — for example, “they moved from their hotel apartment in the [TK] to a doorman building on the Upper West Side [address TK] .” Same goes for quotes often needed for articles and press releases — for example here’s the before and after of one paragraph in a press release I was writing. Before:
Free Association is Hall’s second ArtistShare project available only from The physical CD is slated to include seven selections: two on-the-spot improvisations (with Hall playing acoustic guitar on one), a beautiful Japanese ballad discovered by Keezer when he was living in Japan, and four Hall originals, one of which he performs solo. Throughout the creative process, from early preparation onward, ArtistShare “participants†repeated logged in to to see what was new. [quote +/or details TK] Upcoming postings at will include downloadable musical sketches tunes, pictures, and interviews, as well as additional recorded selections.
Free Association is Hall’s second ArtistShare project available only from The physical CD is slated to include seven selections: two on-the-spot improvisations (with Hall playing acoustic guitar on one), a beautiful Japanese ballad discovered by Keezer when he was living in Japan, and four Hall originals, one of which he performs solo. Throughout the creative process, from early preparation onward, ArtistShare “participants†repeated logged in to to see what was new. Not only did they pre-order the new (limited in number) CD, they listened clips from the duo’s Japan tour. “The beauty of these projects is that they never have to end,†explains Camelio. “Participants can sign up long after the recording was completed, and still have access to the process. In fact, most ArtistShare artists continue to add content after the main work is done – it keeps their fans actively involved. Jim is no exception.†Upcoming postings at will include downloadable musical sketches tunes, pictures, and interviews, as well as additional recorded selections.
Sopmeone is bound to ask me why it’s TK and not TC — I don’t know. If you do, please send me an email (there’s an email link in the peach colored box on the left, second from the top).
Anyway, I tell you this just so I can say that I am swamped today with no time for real blogging — and, of course, because it gives me an opportunity to plug dad’s newest recording. I have a list of things about which I’d like to write — Roger Kellaway Trio heard last night, adventures in health insurance, and much more TK. Soon, I promise.